A Pamphlet on Proficiency in Torah Knowledge

The questions in this pamphlet are fun. There is no such thing as trivia in Torah. Most of these questions are culled from traditional sources. See how many you know. There is no passing or failing. Some of the questions will be facts that you either know or don’t know. Other questions can be figured … Continue reading A Pamphlet on Proficiency in Torah Knowledge

Just How Short Must a Shever of a Shevorm Be

Rabbi Shlomo Cohen Poskim tell us that each of the Kolos of Shofar have a fixed length based on the unit of a Turmit. The Turmit is essentially the length of one ninth of a Teruah. Thus, every Ba’al Tokei’ah will have slightly differing lengths. However, while there are really no maximum lengths for a … Continue reading Just How Short Must a Shever of a Shevorm Be

Loshon Kodesh – Source of Language

English words derived from Hebrew Rabbi Shlomo Cohen, Dr. Joel BermanUpdated 12/16 The world was created with Lashon Kodesh. It was the language used until the Tower of Babel (the English word babble, perhaps). It was a major influence on both Greek and Latin. The Gemora ( Avoda Zara 10a) tells us that Latin was … Continue reading Loshon Kodesh – Source of Language

Tumah and Electricity

A Study in Analogy Rabbi Shlomo Cohenwww.HIQJEW . com The Ribbono Shel Olam created the world according to rules. Scientists spend their time seeking these rules. The discoveries in Cosmology, Physics,Chemistry, Geology, and Biology are nothing more than uncovering the rules bywhich Hashem runs the world. The Creator did not create everything with differing standards. … Continue reading Tumah and Electricity

Isru Chag Shushan Purim 5778

A Shlomo Cohen Original {This is actually cuter after the first bottle of wine)One Purim the holy RovWas hit with a bolt from up aboveV’Ne’Hapecha Hu said heeb dluohs ti sdrawkcab gnihtyreve V’Ne’Hapecha Hu can really be a gameemahs a eb yllaer t’ndluow ti teg t”nod ouy fiTry reading it in a mirror, but never … Continue reading Isru Chag Shushan Purim 5778

Three Questions – No Answers

Rabbi Shlomo CohenSept. 2023 Over the years I have asked many, many questions and almost all of them had good answers. However, there are three questions, research as I might, asked around, but have yet to find or hear a reasonable answer. 1. Two-day Rosh Chodesh Of the twelve months in a year, about half … Continue reading Three Questions – No Answers

The Chumra Syndrome

Rabbi Shlomo CohenNov. 2023 Introduction There was a Dor of Tannaim, of Amoraim, Rishonim, and Achronim. We’re going to be remembered as the generation of the Machmirim. Previous generations were not Machmir on everything. Some individuals, usually big Talmidei Chachomim, would take upon themselves various Chumrose which they felt enhanced their Avodas HaShem. Their stature … Continue reading The Chumra Syndrome

The Surprising Weight of the Aron

Rabbi Shlomo Cohen(With thanks to Dr. Joel Berman) The Gemora reports that the Aron was Nosei Es Atzmo, it carried itself. תלמוד בבלי מסכת סוטה דף לה עמוד א. נשא ארון את נושאיו ועבר, שנאמר: ויהי כאשר תם כל העם לעבור ויעבור ארון ה’ והכהנים לפני העם. ועל דבר זה נענש עוזא, שנאמר: ויבאו עד … Continue reading The Surprising Weight of the Aron

An Exposition of the First Parsha of Breishis

***********The Creation Saga****** Being a proposed synthesis of Torah sources and current scientific knowledge Rabbi Shlomo Cohenאב תשפ”ג August 2023 First draftSecond draft sept. ‘23 Before we begin, this is an attempt to elucidate the most abstruse Perek in the entire Torah. In fact, this Perek is on par with, if it doesn’t exceed, the … Continue reading An Exposition of the First Parsha of Breishis


RABBI SHLOMO COHEN 11/14 This is probably the most controversial article I’ve put on the web. You may very well disagree with me, however, you’ll have a tough time taking the opposite viewpoint. Over the years I have received many phone calls from mothers with a problem child. On many occasions, upon hearing the nature … Continue reading TO SPANK OR NOT TO SPANK: THE VIEW OF HALACHA REGARDING CORPORAL PUNISHMENT


Rabbi Shlomo Cohen 11/14 www.hiqjew.com Over the years I’ve browsed through hundreds of Seforim. Occasionally I have run across some statement which were unusual, surprising or remarkable, to say the least. Some were quite amazing. A while ago I started keeping track of some of these Ma’arei M’komos (henceforth MM). I thought it would make … Continue reading ODDITIES IN VARIOUS SEFORM


Rabbi Shlomo Cohen  www.hiqjew.com To complete the research done on the use of a dishwasher for Milchig and Fleishig, I determined that a record of the temperature during the various cycles would be necessary. I was able to borrow a thermometer with a remote sensor to accomplish this. I ran my dishwasher through one complete … Continue reading TEMPERATURE READINGS IN A DISHWASHER AND THE HALACHIC IMPLICATIONS

Part one – Counter Evolution

RabbiShlomo Cohen  www.HIQJEW.com  Anyone involved in Outreach has had to enter discussions regarding the merits of evolution in light of a belief in Hashem. Each person eventually settles on certain arguments. There are many to choose from. The purpose of this article is to outline as many of these arguments as possible. Only the highlights … Continue reading Part one – Counter Evolution


Rabbi Shlomo Cohen www.hiqjew.com Having surveyed the arguments against evolution, we are left with only one approach which science, per se, is unable to deal with, being outside the realm of scientific inquiry- a Prime Mover, Hashem. We have quoted eminent scientists who have remarked on this problem.  Accepting Hashem, the orthodox Jew must either: … Continue reading Part Two – SOME LITTLE KNOWN JEWISH SOURCES

A Few Thoughts on Christianity

Rabbi Shlomo Cohen www.HIQJEW.com This article was originally meant as an approach to Christianity to be read by Jews. Jews who have questions, Jews who are searching in the wrong places for their answers, Jews who know others that need an intellectual, rather than emotional, approach to a particularly Jewish understanding of Christianity. Since it’s … Continue reading A Few Thoughts on Christianity

WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED? Suffering in Jewish Thought

Rabbi Shlomo Cohen WWW.HIQJEW.COM Many others have addressed the issue of suffering. The following merely purports to raise an interesting option to the question. In effect, rather than any given situation being regarded as punishment, there are a number of other possibilities that must be considered. It may well be that much of our thinking … Continue reading WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED? Suffering in Jewish Thought

HOW COULD THEY HAVE KNOWN? The Number Of Stars reported in the Gemora

Rabbi Shlomo Cohen WWW.HIQJEW.COM More frequently than you might suppose the scientific community discovers something which turns out to be something that Chazal had already said 1,500 years ago. Sometimes this may be chalked up, by those who don’t believe in Mesora, to fortuity or a good guess. However, these statements turn up with such … Continue reading HOW COULD THEY HAVE KNOWN? The Number Of Stars reported in the Gemora


Rabbi Shlomo Cohen HIQJEW,COM Miracles are a topic we’ve all thought about. How are we to begin understanding them?  One individual went so far as to say to me, “I’m not a believer, however, if G-d would come down right now and perform a miracle then I’d believe.” I had to point out that if … Continue reading WONDER OF WONDERS, MIRACLE OF MIRACLES

A Letter to a Conservative Jew. Some things your Rabbi never told you

  Rabbi Shlomo Cohen www.HIQJEW.com Conservative Judaism makes a claim to being the true keeper of the Judaic tradition. Your leaders claim to walk in the path of the prophets of old. Your movement, reminiscent of the Sadducees, Hellenists and Kairites, have maintained that, while they believe in the Written Law, they have chosen to … Continue reading A Letter to a Conservative Jew. Some things your Rabbi never told you


Rabbi Shlomo Cohen www.HIQJEW.com Bible criticism has been around for a little over 125 years. Today, while not widely known, it is often given as a college class and is often mandatory and, of course, only one side of the issue is mentioned. Unfortunately, academic freedom and intellectual honesty are in short supply on college … Continue reading DOCUMENTARY HYPOTHESIS DEBUNKED An Analysis of Bible criticism


  Rabbi Shlomo Cohen www.HIQJEW.com With the advent of the feminist movement in the late ‘60’s Judaism came under fire, along with just about every other ‘sacred cow’, for its purported negative view and treatment of women. In the intervening decades the vitriol has gone out of the movement and the invective has toned down … Continue reading WHAT DO RABBINICAL SOURCES ACTUALLY SAY ABOUT WOMEN?

On Moshiach and Olam HaBa

Rabbi Shlomo Cohen WWW.HIQJEW.COM There are many today who “want Moshiach now!” I often relate two pieces of advice for those who profess the ‘want’ with little understanding of the ramifications. 1- INVEST YOUR MONEY IN BUYING STOCK – Hard to believe I’m saying this. Remember, originally Wall Street was an area at the very … Continue reading On Moshiach and Olam HaBa

SHALOM BAYIS Achieving harmony and avoiding discord

  Rabbi Shlomo Cohen www.HIQJEW.com Little girls daydream about the prince charming they will marry someday. Little boys don’t give it much thought at all…girls, yechh! Neither grows up with much of a handle on reality. The only marriage children get to see close up is their parents’. Too often, they pay little attention or, … Continue reading SHALOM BAYIS Achieving harmony and avoiding discord

WILL YOU RECOGNIZE YOUR BASHERT? Dating among older singles.

Rabbi Shlomo Cohen www.HIQJEW.com In Frum circles there is a pressure to marry off children fairly young (by secular standards). In most cases it is surprisingly easy to match up a couple. Part of the reason is that these children have been raised in a social milieu where this is expected, their friends are all … Continue reading WILL YOU RECOGNIZE YOUR BASHERT? Dating among older singles.

CROSS THE BRIDGE SOFTLY – A moving saga of one man’s passing.

Rabbi Shlomo Cohen www.hiqjew.com On Hoshana Rabba, Wednesday, October 22, 1997, we finally got word that the reason that Big Ab had been feeling weak and tired all summer was that his cancer had reoccurred and was terminal. D’vorah had been in Syracuse during Chol HaMoed and was with Savta when this news was received. … Continue reading CROSS THE BRIDGE SOFTLY – A moving saga of one man’s passing.

Sheilos U’Tshuvas of Peckelach

Minutes of the Agura Convention Halachic Plenary session – May 2010 Isru Chag Shushan Purim Torah by Shlomo Cohen www.hiqjew.com Several of the world’s leading Poskim formed the panel for this session headed by Moreinu HaRav HaGaon Issusschar Henoch Tzvi Hirsh Aryeh Leib HaCohen Katzenoodlemeister Shlita (Some might remember him as Iggy from his Yeshiva … Continue reading Sheilos U’Tshuvas of Peckelach