Prepared by Rabbi Shlomo Cohen
In Ohr Samayach, each Bal Simcha is entitled to two Aliyos if possible. The Gabbai may give additional Aliyos. For a Bar
Mitzva this would mean that the Bar Mitzva gets an Aliya as well as two other Aliyos. [eg father and
grandfather or two grandfathers]. A Chasan would have an Aliya as well as two others. Other Kibbudim
are made available if possible such as Davening for the Amud, P’sicha, Hagba, or Gelila. At the discretion
of the Roshei Yeshiva an Achron can be added.
The seder of Chiyuvim mentioned in the Biur Halacha Simen 136 is as follows:
a- A chasan on the day of his wedding.
b- A chasan on the Shabbos before his Chasuna precedes all other obligations.
– A Bachur who marries a B’sula precedes one who marries a widow and both precede
one who marries a divorcee.
c- A Bar Mitzva boy on the Shabbos of his Bar Mitzva.
d- The husband of a woman who gave birth on the Shabbos she goes to Shul whenever that
occurs. This Aliya precedes all other obligations except the Aufruf of a Chasan and a Bar Mitzva boy.
However, if she had not come by the fortieth day after birthing a boy or the eightieth day after a girl the
father has an Aliya obligation anyway.
– The father has an Aliya obligation even after a stillbirth or miscarriage, Lo Aleinu,
unless it is early in the pregnancy. [A Rav should be consulted.]
e- A Chasan on the Shabbos after his Chasuna.
– One whose Chasuna is from Wednesday on has an obligation for an Aliya on the
following Shabbos
– One whose Chasuna occurred before Wednesday will not precede other obligations
but should have an Aliya.
f- A Yahrzeit for a father or mother which occurs on that day. All other obligations take
precedence over a Yahrzeit except the father prior to a Bris. If the Yahrzeit is not on Shabbos but during
the following week it does not even precede the Father of the Bris. If there are no other obligations the
Yahrzeit should be called. Should the yahrzeit occur on Shabbos, there is no Aliya obligation the previous
Shabbos.[Gesher HaChaim]
g- The father of a boy on the Shabbos prior to the Bris. [ Some give the Mohel and Sandek
Aliyos as well, others give them Hagba and Gelila.]
h- There is a widespread Minhag to give both the Bal Tokaya as well as the Bal Musaf Aliyos on
Rosh HaShana. This is only if they are not paid. In places where the Minhag is to sell the Aliyos they have
no claim on an Aliya.
i- One who buys an Aliya and is then “bumped” due to an obligatory Aliya gets a refund because
the sale was in error.
j- If there are two equal obligations they cast lots unless one is a Talmud Chacham.
k- One who must Bench Gomel precedes other Aliyos but does not override any obligatory Aliya.
l- There is a custom to give an Aliya to one embarking on a trip or returning from a trip. Similarly,
the custom of giving guests an Aliya is nice but neither of these override any obligatory Aliya.
m- The Seder of importance of Aliyos follows the Ari Z’l. Aside from Cohain and Levi the most
important is Shlishi followed, in order, by Shishi, Revii, Chamishi, Shvii and Maftir. According to the
Gemora, Hagba is the most important [our Hagba was their Gelila]. Additionally, the Mogen Avraham
[Simen 428 sif katan 8] writes that the Tochecha, Shira and Aseres HaDibros should be given to a Chacham.
The Minhag in Ohr Samayach is to give both Tochecha to the Bal Koreh. Zachor and each Chazak are
also considered special. The Rav of the Shul should get Haftorah on Shabbos Shuva and Shabbos
HaGadol. A katan may not have Haftorah on any of the ‘Daled Parshios’, a Bar Mitzva boy may, although,
the Ba’al Koreh for Parshas Zachor must be at least 18.